OC News is an award-winning television news program produced entirely by the broadcast journalism students in the Department of Communications at California State University, Fullerton. OC News is produced and aired weekly during the fall and spring semesters by the COMM 472 class. It gives Comm students focusing on broadcast journalism a chance to practice the skills learned in the classroom in a real newsroom experience. Students anchor, produce, report, write, edit, and shoot everything in the show.
The rain is expected to come down pretty hard, causing major problems across Southern California, President …
An alleged drunk driver hits a CSUF student at Downtown Fullerton, Titan Softball begins their season …
The Chinese New Year has begun, a recap of the State of the Union, the most …
Annette Munoz tells her story of being a non-traditional student at Cal State Fullerton.
CSUF freshman Layne Foster and his father Brent share a lot more in common than just …
The OC has had a spike in international students creating a more diverse and educated community.