Mindy Kaling is re-inventing Velma from Scooby-Doo in her new HBO Max series. Kaling is switching it up and having Velma portrayed by a …
Student Life
I’m a fan of music, from movie soundtracks to pop, I listen to almost everything. So I want to share with you an ongoing…
Back for more I see. I hope you all enjoyed my perspective on “Girls Are Angry Too.” I am going over two of Big…
Are you a fan of Big Mouth? It’s one of my favorite shows. I first discovered it my freshman year in the dorms when…
As audience members and consumers of media, we might sometimes feel like content is just being thrown at us without having much of a…
EntertainmentOpinionSportsTitan Sports
NFL Draft Preview: A look at potential draft picks for the AFC/NFC West
The NFL draft is here! Thirty-two NFL teams are ready to retool their franchises in Cleveland. Here’s a preview of the NFC and AFC…
EntertainmentOpinionSportsTitan Sports
NFL Draft Preview: A look at potential draft picks for the AFC/NFC South
The NFL offseason is a time to reflect, work and prepare for next year. The NFL draft is where reflection, hard work and preparation…
Graduation day is almost here, how do you feel? The semester might be dragging for some but for others it has gone incredible fast…
Black FilmBlack History MonthCultureEntertainmentOpinion
Films written/directed by Black Filmmakers to Add to Your Watch List
2020 was a rough year for all of us, but specifically for Black people it was not a walk in the park. I don’t…
As a film student and overall fan of the entertainment industry, Oscars season is my absolute favorite season. Summer who? Each year I love…